Agrocaribe contributes with the traceability protocol of Rainforest Alliance

Agrocaribe participates in the In Latin American conference of the round table of sustainable palm oil -RSPO-
August 19, 2013
Agrocaribe implements the 5S Japanese methodology to make work more efficient and safe
August 26, 2013

Guatemala, August, 2013 Agrocaribe received in the premises of the company, Rainforest Alliance's team, the main objective of the visit was to show them Agrocaribe’s agricultural practices for producing palm oil and contribute to the traceability protocol of the products produced from the oil palm, which the Rainforest Alliance team is developing.

During the visit to Agrocaribe's facilities a demonstration to explain the process was made, beginning with the reception of the seed to the formation of clusters, in order to increase their knowledge about the care and the process of the palm crop; from the seed to its final production. They were also given a tour of the field work: harvesting, chemical plate and fertilization

“I was very impressed by the visit to Agrocaribe, by the organization, its transparency and traceability in the process from seed to the finished product. Agrocaribe is a company that is advanced in their understanding of comprehensive sustainability, including social and environmental factors required by the standard of the Sustainable Agriculture Network-SAN-”.

The person in charge of trade issues from Rainforest Alliance expressed her comments on the visit