Agrocaribe builds ramps for the health center at champona inta to facilitate access for the sick and handicapped

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The community leaders and staff from the health center, organized the inauguration of the ramps to thank the people involved, those made the request and Agrocaribe who built them, because previously it was all dirt which made it difficult for the patients to go inside the health center.

In the inauguration an acknowledgment was given to Agrocaribe for its support, the event was attended by members of the COCODES, local authorities from the Ministry of Health and neighboring communities. Agrocaribe beneficiaries thanked them for their support.

“We thank Agrocaribe for the help given at the Health Center of Champona, because often we don't have the possibilities to cover all the needs of our health posts, but with institutions such as Agrocaribe, we can undertake projects to help medical assistance thrive in the area. We thank you for this support”.

Blendi Martinez, from the Ministry of Health

“We are very grateful with Agrocaribe because they have given us a friendly hand, the building of these ramps is very important to us because before we couldn't even go inside the health center on a bike, everything was dirt and mud, and now the wheelchairs can go in. I thank Agrocaribe’s outreach to our community and its support for the health of our neighbors”.

Eloid Godinez, vicepresident of the COCODE of Champona Inta


With the aim of facilitating the entrance for the sick and handicapped to the health center of Champona, Morales, Izabal and improve the infrastructure, eight ramps were built that will benefit the communities of Morales and Puerto Barrios.