Agrocaribe implements favorable technologies for the environment

Agrocaribe organized the Workshop “Dialogues in action” to help leaders develop community projects
January 12, 2012
Agrocaribe supports community projects in the community of tenedores and La Pimienta in Morales, Izabal
April 10, 2012

We currently have a Clean Development Mechanism Project approved by the United Nations. It consists in trapping the methane of the anaerobic lagoons, where organic particles obtained from waste waters in the milling process are decomposed and on decomposing produce biogas.

The tents that cover the lagoons trap the methane to generate power for the operation of the processing mill and/or burn it to reduce the greenhouse gas effect.


The main objectives of having a biogas project are the following:

-Reduce the greenhouse gas effect

-Capture the methane produced by the decomposition of waste waters in anaerobic lagoons

-Sell Certified Emissions Reduction units (CER) or carbon bonds under the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations

-Generate clean energy from renewable resources to use in the processing mill and sell the surplus to the power grid

For the power generation, the gas obtained is transferred to electric generators and the surplus biogas is burnt at a controlled temperature higher than 600°C, to reduce the greenhouse gas effect.

The UN delivers CER units or carbon bonds to industries that show investment in projects that imply less contaminant technologies for the environment. We are one of the first companies to sell CER units to international markets that are above the permitted levels of contamination